Date Order Number Description
11/02/2025 Checklist for Arogyam Anandam: Akattaam Arbudam Checklist for implementation of cancer screening in UPHCs and UHWCsChecklist
18-01-2025 G.O.(Ms.) No. 177/2025/LSGD XV FC scheme 6 2022-23
06-11-2024 No. NHM/8253/CON(ADMIN)/2023/SPMSU Urban Health & Wellness Centres & Urban Poly Clinics - posting of human resources -guidelines
24-10-2024 File No. Zl50l5ll8l2022-NHM-I/16/03/2024

Ayushman Arogya Shivir Circular date July 26 2024

Implementation ofAyushmanArorya Shivir at subcentre-AAMs, PHC-AAMs,UPHC-AAMs,UHWC-AAMs and CHCs in state ,,
15-06-2024 NHM/3988/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2024/SPMSU Profile Creation and Mapping to onboard 'SHAILI' in Urban Kerala
15-05-2024 NHM/4153/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2015/SPMSU Supportive Supervision by District Urban Health Co-ordinators to health facilities, institutions and outreach activities
16-03-2024 G.O.(Rt)No.841/2024/H&FWD XV FC UHWC SOP
31-01-2024 NHM/7748/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2022/SPMSU State Level Inauguration of 68 New UHWC & Live Streaming at District LevelAdministrative Sanction
18-01-2024 NHM/7541/SNO-PROJ/2023/SPMSU Approved SOP for Urban Poly Dental Clinics under 15th FC Health grants
09-01-2024 NHM/7392/SNO-PROJ/2023/SPMSU Guidelines for operationalisation of Urban Polyclinics
08-01-2024 NHM/8253/CON(ADMIN)/2023/SPMSU XV FC - Operationalization and posting of staff in Urban HWCs
08-01-2024 NHM/7748/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2022/SPMSU XV FC Health Sector Grants - Standard Operating Procedures for Urban Health & Wellness  entres in Kerala
07-01-2024 NHM/7700/SNO-PROJ/2023/SPMSU SOPs in the implementation of the 360 degree Metabolic & Elderly care -XVFC Health grants
12-12-2023 NHM/7748/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2022/SPMSU XV FC Health Grants - 2021-22 - Proposal for strengthening dialysis units in urban areas
09-08-2023 NHM/3018/F2/2020/SPMSU Operationalisation of Two new UPHCs in Kozhikode City ; AS issued
08-05-2023 NHM/2954/UH(STATEM&ECONSULTANT)/2022/SPMSU Implementing SNA System in UPHCs with the Medical Officer in charge(contractual staff) as signatory(Approver)
08-05-2023 NHM/5321/UH(STATE M&ECONSULTANT)/2015/SPMSU Training of NUHM Personnel on the Provision of Comprehensive Primary Health Care Components through UPHC- HWCs and UCHCs
09-08-2021 NHM/3533/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2021/SPMSU Expansion of Pain and Palliative Care under the auspices of UPHCs, issuance of Administrative Sanction
26-07-2021 NHM/87/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2016/SPMSU NUHM Implementation of SNA in UPHCs
11-12-2018 NHM/6078/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2018/SPMSU Setting up Vision Centres in UPHCs
11-12-2018 NHM/6078/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2018/SPMSU Guidelines for Operationalisation of Vision Centres in Urban Primary Health Centres
07-12-2018 NHM/4476/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2015/SPMSU Organisation of Urban Health Nutrition Days , Issue of Guidelines
22-09-2018 NHM/6631/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2017/SPMSU Guidelines for Medical Officers and others Concerned of Urban PHCs in Kerala for Tuberculosis Control Activities
22-09-2018 NHM/6631/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2017/SPMSU Intensifying urban TB Control Activities as part of Integration of RNTCP into NUHM Mechanism
22-09-2018 NHM/6631/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2017/SPMSU Intensifying urban TB Control Activities as part of Integration of RNTCP into NUHM Mechanism
28-07-2018 NHM/6631/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2017/SPMSU Operationalising Composite Mobile Medical Units
31-03-2018 NHM/120/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2016/SPIV SU Enabling Mahila Arogya Smithies under UPHCS to open savings bank accounts
31-03-2018 NHM/120/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2016/SPMSU Enabling Mahila Arogya Samithies under UPHCs to open savings bank accounts
23-01-2018 G.O.(Ms.) No. 6/201 8/LSGD Local Self Government Department - Urban Primary Health Centers - Constitution of Hospital Management Committee
01-08-2017 NHM/3794/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2017/SPMSU Joint Intervention by NUHM and RBSK to screen and manage childhood defects, developmental delays and deficiencies
08-06-2017 NHM/4153/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2015/SPMSU Broad guidelines for the conduct of district level review meeting of activities under NUHM
08-06-2017 NHM/4153/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2015/SPMSU Augmenting NUHM implementation, revival of the review mechanism and holding bimonthly review reg
10-05-2017 NHM/2362/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2017/SPMSU Providing equipment and Reagents to UPHC laboratories for the Diagnostic Examination of malaria, filaria, dengue fever
26-12-2016 NHM/2119/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2016/SPMSU Procurement of Equipments and Instruments to set up 4 new Sentinel Surveillance Hospitals, administrative sanction and payment sanction accorded; orders issued
09-02-2016 NHM/746/UH(State M& E Consultant)/2016/SPMSU Related to fixing borad in UPHSCs
01-08-2015 NHM/4153/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2015/SPMSU District Level Review of NUHM Activities - Agenda
25-07-2015 NHM/4476/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2015/SPMSU Operational guidelines for conducting special outreach health camps in urban areas under NUHM
25-07-2015 NHM/4476/UH(STATE M&E CONSULTANT)/2015/SPMSU Operational guidelines for conducting special outreach health camps in urban areas under NUHM