20-03-2025 Applications are invited for the Various posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

Applications should be submitted online on or before   28.03.2025, 5.00 PM

Notification Apply online
04-03-2025 Applications are invited for the  post of Counsellor under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

Applications should be submitted online on or before   13.03.2025, 5.00 PM

Notification Apply online
25-01-2025 Applications are invited for the Various posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

Applications should be submitted online on or before   10.02.2025, 5.00 PM

Notification Apply online
23-01-2025 Applications are invited for the Various posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

Applications should be submitted online on or before   01.02.2025, 5.00 PM

Notification Apply online
15-01-2025 Last Date Extension-Notification No. NHM / 2900 / Admn1 / 2023 / SPMSU dated 01.01.2025 Intimation
01-01-2025 Applications are invited for the post of

  1. State Programme Manager (RCH)
  2. District Programme Manager (Thiruvananthapuram)


Apply online
13-11-2024 Intimation of non-selection of the post of Junior Consultant (Blood Cell)  - SPMSU, Trivandrum Intimation


20-09-2024 Applications are invited for the Various posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

Applications should be submitted  by 30.09.2024, 5.00 PM

Notification Link
11-07-2024 Applications are invited for the posts of District Programme Manager under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

Applications should be submitted on or before   20.07.2024, 5.00 PM

17-06-2024 Applications are invited for the Various posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

Applications should be submitted  by 06.07.2024, 5.00 PM

Notification Link
17-06-2024  Applications are invited for the Various posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

Applications should be submitted  by 29.06.2024, 5.00 PM



16-03-2024  Applications are invited for the Various posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

Applications should be submitted  by 27.03.2024

16-01-2024  Intimation of non-selection - SPMSU, Trivandrum Notification


10-01-2024  Applications are invited for the post of Consultant(Planning) & Data Analyst(PM ABHIM) under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

Applications should be submitted  on or before 5pm on 20.01.2024.

Notification Link
08-12-2023  Applications are invited for the Various posts  on Deputation  basis under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

Applications SHOULD BE submitted  on or before 5pm on 18.12.2023.

02-11-2023  Applications are invited for the Various posts  on Deputation  basis under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

Applications SHOULD BE submitted  by 5pm on 13.11.2023.


Apply Online

04-09-2023  Applications are invited for the following posts  on Deputation  basis under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

  1. State Admin & HR Manager(NHM)
  2. Senior Consultant(Biomedical)
  3. Epidemiologist (IDSP)
  4. Internal Audit Officer
  5. District Programme Manager (Kasargod)
  6. Consultant (M&E)
  7. Junior Consultant (Blood Cell)
  8. IT Programmer
  9. Assistant Programmer (IT)
  10. Data Manager Cum Statistician
  11. Consultant (M&E) - Malaria

Applications SHOULD BE submitted online by 5pm on 11.09.2023.


Apply Online

04-09-2023 Application invited for the following post  on Deputation  basis under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

  1. State Nodal officer (Projects)

Last date of application :  07/09/2023 , 5PM

20-06-2023 District Programme Manager - Alapuzha Notification
16-06-2023 Career Notification Notification


Apply online

CAREER NOTIFICATION Notification dtd 19.05.2023

Notification dtd 19.05.2023

Apply Online



Notification - Mid Level Service Providers Notification


Apply online



Applications are invited for the following posts  on Deputation  basis under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

  1. State urban health manager
  2. District Programme Manager, - Ernakulam, Thrissur & Kozhikode
  3. Senior consultant Biomedical
  4. Internal Audit Officer
  5. State Nodal Officer (Training)

Last date of application :  25/03/2023 





Applications are invited for the following posts  on Deputation  basis under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

  1. State Nodal officer Child Health(CH)
  2. District Programme Manager -Ernakulam District

Last date of application :  18/01/2023 





 Applications are invited for the post of Medical Officer (MEDISEP) for contract basis under National Health Mission, State Nodal Cell, MEDISEP Scheme.

Last date of application :  17/01/2023


Online Link

20/12/2022 Tele Mental Health - Notification for the post of Consultant – regIn the Notification No. NHM / 6119 / ADMIN1 / 2022 / SPMSU Dtd 08.12.2022, the salary for the
Consultant was noted as Rs. 20,000/-.
The Salary for the post of Consultant to be read as Rs. 65,000/-.


Applications are invited for the following posts for contract under National Health Mission, State Tele Manas Cell, Trivandrum

  1. Counsellors
  2. Senior Consultant
  3. Consultant
  4. Clinical Psychologist/Psychiatric Social Worker/Psychiatric Nurse

Last date of application :  23/12/2022 


Apply Online




Applications are invited for the following posts for contract / Deputation under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

  1. Epidemiologist (IDSP

Last date of application :  19/12/2022 


Apply Online For Contract Post




Applications are invited for the following posts for contract / Deputation under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

  1. State Urban Health Manager - On deputation
  2. Senior consultant (Biomedical) - On deputation
  3. Internal Auditor- On deputation
  4. Senior consultant -Planning
  5. Consultant(M&E)
  6. Junior consultant -Blood Cell
  7. Assistant Programmer IT
  8. Data  Manager cum Statistician


Last date of application :  29/11/2022  at 5pm


Online Link



intimation regarding the extension of last date for applying for the post of Mid Level Service Provider. 

EXTENDED Last date  :  28.10.2022 at 5pm

Online Link : Apply Here



Recruitment of MLSP -NHM state wide

Online Application invited for MLSP (Middle level service providers) under national health mission (all over kerala)

Recruitment process via CMD (Center for management  Developement)

EXTENDED Last date  :  28.10.2022 at 5pm

For registration doubt : Contact CMD

Phone: 0471 2320101, 2326221, 2328693



Apply online



29/09/2022  Extending the last date of applying for the post of Chief Engineer and State Admin & HR Manager - reg

Reference : Notification No. NHM / 3466/ADMIN1/2021/SPMSU dtd 30.08.2022 &14.09.2022

Last date  : extended up to 06.10.2022

17/09/2022 Extending the last date of applying for the post of State Admin & HR Manager - reg

Reference : Notification No. NHM / 3466/ADMIN1/2021/SPMSU dtd 30.08.2022

Last date for the post of  State Admin & HR Manager  : extended up to 24.09.2022.

15/09/2022 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

  1. Chief Engineer  (NHM) - On deputation

Last date of application :  22/09/2022 



01/09/2022 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU , Trivandrum

  1. State Admin & HR Manager (NHM)
  2. Senior Consultant (Planning
  3. Consultant (M&E)
  4. Junior Consultant (M&E)

Last date of application :  15/09/2022 at 5 pm


Apply online

29/08/2022 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, State TeleManas Cell, Trivandrum

  1. Counsellors
  2. Senior consultant
  3. consultant
  4. Clinical Psychologist/Psychiatric Social worker/Psychiatric Nurse.
  5. Technical coordinator/Project coordinator
  6. Date entry operator
Last date of application :  05/09/2022 at 5 pm

Apply online 

online link



25/07/2022 Cancellation of notification for Assistant Quality Assurance Officer

Reference : Notification No. NHM/3466/ADMIN1/2021/SPMSU dtd 22. 07. 2022


22/07/2022 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU, Trivandrum

  1. Chief Engineer-Deputation
  2. State urban Health manager-Deputation
  3. State Quality assurance officer - Deputation
  4. Senior  Consultant (Biomedical)-  Deputation
  5. Internal Audit officer- Deputation
  6. Consultant (Engineer) - Contract
  7. Epidemiologist - Contract
  8. Asstistant Epidemiologist - Contract
  9. Assistant Quality Assurance officer- Contract
  10. Junior Consultant blood cell- Contract
  11. Assistant programmer IT - Contract
  12. Data manager cum Statistician- Contract
Last date of application :  02/08/2022 at 5 pm

Apply online  only for contract post -

online link

Click here


20/06/2022 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU, Trivandrum

  1. State urban Health manager-Deputation
  2. State Quality assurance officer - Deputation
  3. Senior  Consultant (Biomedical)-  Deputation
  4. Internal Audit officer- Deputation
  5. Consultant (NPCCHH) - Contract
  6. Accountant - Contract
Last date of application :  30/06/2022 at 5 pm

Apply online  only for contract post -

Click here


17/05/2022 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU, Trivandrum

  1. Chief Engineer -Deputation
  2. Senior  Consultant (Biomedical)-  Deputation
  3. Internal Audit officer- Deputation
  4. Consultant (NPCCHH) - Contract
  5. Junior  Consultant (Blood Cell) - Contract
  6. Junior  Training (Training) - Contract
Last date of online application :  28/05/2022 at 5 pm

Apply online  only for contract post -

Click here


11/04/2022 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU, Trivandrum

1. Chief Engineer - On Deputation
Last date of online application :  22/04/2022 at 5 pm
17/03/2022 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU, Trivandrum

1. State Programme Manager RCH - Contract/Deputation
2. Internal Audit Officer -  Deputation
3. District Programme Manager IDUKKI - Deputation.
4. Consultant Blood Cell - Contract
5. Chief Engineer -Deputation
Last date of online application :  26/03/2022 at 5 pm


Apply online  only for contract post -

Click here


10/03/2022 National Health Mission (NHM) –
Kerala invites applications from eligible and qualified candidates for filling up the post of Mid Level
Service Providers (Staff Nurses) in all fourteen districts of National Health Mission.Application process is done via CMD (Centre for Management Development)Last date for submitting online application :21.03.2022 at 5 pm Contact CMD for more details : website Phone: 0471 2320101, 2326221, 2328693

Online Link


31/01/2022 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU, Trivandrum

1. State Programme Manager RCH - Deputation / Contract
2. Internal Audit Officer -  Deputation
3. District Programme Manager IDUKKI - Deputation
4. State Leprosy Consultant - Contract
5. Veterinary Consultant - Contract
6. Technical Officer NVHCP - Contract
7. Public Health Specialist NCD - Contract
8. Consultant Blood Cell - Contract
9. Data Manager cum Statistician - Contract
10. DAta Entry Operator - Contract
Last date of online application :  10/02/2022 at 5 pm


Apply online for contract post -

Click here


15/11/2021 Applications are invited for the following posts on daily wages under National Health Mission, SPMSU, Trivandrum

  1. Epidemiologist (COVID Control) - 3  posts
  2. Junior Consultant (COVID Control) - 1 Post

Last date of online application :  18/11/2021 at 12 pm

A request application along with Bio data ( including copy of all certificates ) are to be submitted directly to
NHM State office

26/10/2021 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU, Trivandrum

  1. State Nodal officer - Deputation/ Contract
  2. Consultant (NPCCH)
  3. Technical officer -NVHCP programme
  4. State VBD Consultant
  5. Consultant Blood Cell
  6. Consultant (M&E-Malaria)
  7. Studio Floor Technician
  8. Data manager cum statistician
  9. CST Coordinator-NVHCP

Last date of online application :  03/11/2021 at 5pm

Notification Contract posts-

Apply Online


06/09/2021 Applications are invited for the following posts of District Programme Managers on Deputation basis under National Health Mission

No: of post : 5 (TVM, KTYM, PKD,EKLM, MLPM)

Last date of online application : 13.09.2021 , 5pm

27/08/2021 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU, Trivandrum

  1. Consultant (NPCCHH)
  2. Consultant (M&E- Malaria)
  3. Studio Floor Technician
  4. State VBD Consultant

Last date of online application :  06.09.2021 , 5pm

Notification Apply Online



27/07/2021 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU, Trivandrum

  1. State Urban Health Manager
  2. District programme manager
  3. Public Health Specialist -NCD
  4. State Leprosy Consultant
  5. Technical officer (Surveillance, M&E and Research)- NVHCP Programme
  6. Consultant (NPCCHH)
  7. Consultant Engineer(Electrical)
  8. State VBD Consultant
  9. Consultant (Blood cell)
  10. Consultant (M&E- Malaria)
  11. Jr. Consultant ( Documentation & Communication)
  12. Jr. Consultant ( Training)
  13. Studio Floor Technician

Last date of online application :  05.08.2021 , 5pm

Notification Contract Posts

Apply Online


20/05/2021 Career- CORRIGENDUM

BANK account Details for depositing fees ,  when you are applying  the job in online portal.

11/05/2021 Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU, Trivandrum

  1. Sr. Consultant -Accounts
  2. DR-TB Co-ordinator
  3. Microbiologist- IRL
  4. CST Coordinator-NVHCP
  5. Consultant- Blood cell
  6. Jr.Consultant (H&WC)

Last date of online application21.05.2021 , 5pm



Contract Posts

Apply Online


27/04/2021 Epidemiologist -COVID BRIGADE

Applications are invited for the Epidemiologist posts (temporary basis) under National Health Mission, kerala

Last date of online application :  29.04.2021 , 5pm

 Notification APPLY ONLINE
18/02/2021  Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU,Trivandrum

  1. State Nodal officer(MH)-On deputation/contract basis
  2. Senior consultant (Accounts )
  3. Consultant (H&WC)- On deputation/contract basis
  4. Assistant programmer -IT.

Last date of Online application :  27/02/2021 at 5 pm

 Notification Contract Posts -

Apply Online


01/01/2021  Applications are invited for the following posts under National Health Mission, SPMSU,Trivandrum

  1. State Nodal officer(MH)-On deputation
  2. Senior consultant (Biomedical ) -On deputation
  3. Epidemiologist (IDSP)-On deputation
  4. Epidemiologist(Asst. Programme Officer) (RNTCP)
  5. Sr. Consultant -Accounts
  6. DR-TB Co-ordinator
  7. TB-HIV Co-ordinator
  8. Senior Med. Officer- DR-TB
  9. Consultant Blood cell
  10. Consultant (AEFI)

 Last date :  11/01/2021 at 5 pm





Contract Posts -

Apply Online


24/12/2020 The Centre for Management Development (CMD) on behalf of the National Health Mission ( NHM) Kerala invites applications from eligible and qualified candidates for filling up the post of Mid Level Service Providers (Staff Nurses) in all fourteen districts of National Health Mission on contract basis.


Online application starts on  25.12.2020 at 10 am

Ends on  08/01/2020 at 5 pm



Apply online : click here

admit card Download
20/08/2020 Applications are invited for the following posts under National AYUSH Mission, Kerala

  1. District Programme manager( On deputation)
  2. Consultant Engineers -Civil (On Contract)

 Last date :  09/09/2020, 5 PM.

 Notification and Application Form
24/06/2020 Applications invited for the following post under e-Health project

1. Business Analyst

2. Software Engineers (Java)

3. Software Engineer (Testing)

4.Software Engineer (User Interface Developer)

Last date of Online application: 5th July 2020 by 5 PM

Notification Application Form

